interested in a mural?

Kelowna, BC
Three Links Manor is an extended care facility with a high percentage of their residents being afflicted with dementia. They asked if I could paint a different mural on the double doors of each of the 4 wings. The residents had voted on a lake and a flower combination for each mural.
Skaha Lake & Lilacs
Wood Lake & Roses
Okanagan Lake & Sunflowers
Kalamalka Lake & Lavender
The double doors open in different directions and are only closed 1% of the time (for cleaning and emergency purposes), so my challenge was to create a mural that flowed from the left door to the right door, while split 6 feet apart. Two separate pieces, but one complete image.
All of the work had to be done at night, while the residents slept. So, I left my house at 8 pm and returned home at 4 am. This turned out to be more challenging than I expected, but an interesting learning experience. The things I learned while painting at night, at this facility:
The staff that works there are absolutely amazing. They are patient and kind and treat the residents like family, even in frustrating moments. They are all angels
I’ve never had any experience with dementia before doing this project and my heart goes out to anyone going through this with someone they love. It is a disease I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but thank goodness we are fortunate to have places like Three Links Manor.
The residents were all unique and quirky, and although I could feel the sad moments, I also had a few really sweet moments. One resident sat in her wheelchair right beside me for 4 hours watching me paint. The staff later told me that they’d never seen her so calm and quiet before. She and I bonded through art, and I’ll always have that memory.
I am so grateful for this experience

Rustic reel
Kelowna, BC
I did this on a scissor lift (my first time operating one!) in the brewery’s entrance. Lettering by hand on a large scale is challenging, but I’m happy with how it turned out!

OEB Breakfast C0 …
Kelowna, BC
This was a fun and cheerful mural to do, and my first chalk mural!

canadian opals …
Vernon, BC
The gem tones popped on this old cement block wall! I did everything by eye, including the logo.

Canadian mental health association …
This was for the Peer Support Room in the CMHA building. I actually did the re-design for the entire room. (In a past life, I was an interior designer!) The oversized plant life looked amazing in the room, bringing it to life.

Silver Star Residential home …
Silver Star Resort, Vernon, BC
My largest scale mural at 30 feet high and 40 feet wide! After the first day of running up and down scaffolding, my legs were jello. Good thing I’m not afraid of heights!